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  Wednesday, 04 April 2012
  3 Replies
  2.5K Visits

My children have been having sudden sickness and nightmares. My son had the most excruciating pain in his stomach and near his lower ribs last night. I attempted to invoke the master of medicine and use the mantras. He managed to get back to sleep for a couple hours but woke back up later in extreme pain. I didn't know what to do so I had him listen to some solfeggio musical frequencies. He has been okay since then.

Is it possible that the black lodge has taken notice of my work and is attacking my children? If so, what can I do to protect them? This can't be an initiation can it? That is not fair that my children would have to suffer so greatly for my work. I am reminded of Job, did his family suffer? How can this be?

Thank you for any help.
12 years ago
Accepted Answer
In regards to the mustard seeds, this is taken from the description in the Gnostic Store:

Black or Brown Mustard Seeds are used to protect the home from psychic attacks. Black or Brown Mustard Seed should be put in small containers in the four corners of the home.
Black Mustard seeds are also used to surprise and trap witches or sorceresses. This practice can be found in Logos, Mantra and Theurgy by Samael Aun Weor.

Obtaining the facts oftentimes requires a lot of patience, but yes you can carry out your investigations and receive guidance internally through learning to travel in the astral body.

When you begin to feel the separation of your astral body from your physical body just relax and let things happen, it is a natural process that occurs every night, we are usually just unaware of it.

Fundamentals of Gnostic Education is a work by Samael Aun Weor that is very helpful especially for parents and teachers. I would highly suggest studying it if you are looking for how to approach children or students with the teachings.

Only impersonal life and the Being can give us the legitimate happiness of the Great Life free in its motion. -Samael Aun Weor

12 years ago
The Conjurations of the Four, Seven, and the Invocation of Solomon as well as the Fons Alpha Prayer for Protection are all very powerful and effective for defending oneself against Black Magic and keeping a space cleansed and sealed when followed with tracing a Magic Circle after reciting them. You can recite the conjurations and invocations in your children's rooms.

It is certainly possible that Black Magic is the cause here, however it's important not to jump too quickly to any conclusions without the facts.

The attached lecture explains in greater detail how to seal a space and protect your home. I suggest studying it and even more so picking up a copy of The Divine Science by Samael Aun Weor in which many practices and methods are given for defense against Black Magic.

Let us know if this helps.
12 years ago
This is helpful. I have also heard of putting black mustard seeds in the four corners of the home. Is this also useful? As for jumping to conclusions, I am trying very hard not to do this. I already feel myself wanting to suspect my neighbor, which could prove disastrous if I am wrongly identifying him as a culprit.

How does one obtain the facts? I assume I must learn to be conscious in the astral? I have been working at this for a while but I think I must have fear of it still. There have been many times recently that I felt as if my body was falling asleep but I was still conscious. When I attempt to move (in the astral), it jolts my physical body awake. Is this an indication of my ego fighting back? If in fact, my family is under attack, I must be getting closer. It is becoming obvious that it is time for my household to actively develop protection over our home. Are there any resources for how I should approach my children with this reality? My daughter is eight and my son is seven. As I understand it, this is an important age in their lives for introduction to gnosis. However, I am just beginning to learn of these deeper teachings myself. Although I have been in touch with the spiritual realm my whole life, it was on a "Sunday school level" for the most part. I would hate to have the veil of Orthodox Church as a foundation for them. Thank you.
12 years ago
Accepted Answer
In regards to the mustard seeds, this is taken from the description in the Gnostic Store:

Black or Brown Mustard Seeds are used to protect the home from psychic attacks. Black or Brown Mustard Seed should be put in small containers in the four corners of the home.
Black Mustard seeds are also used to surprise and trap witches or sorceresses. This practice can be found in Logos, Mantra and Theurgy by Samael Aun Weor.

Obtaining the facts oftentimes requires a lot of patience, but yes you can carry out your investigations and receive guidance internally through learning to travel in the astral body.

When you begin to feel the separation of your astral body from your physical body just relax and let things happen, it is a natural process that occurs every night, we are usually just unaware of it.

Fundamentals of Gnostic Education is a work by Samael Aun Weor that is very helpful especially for parents and teachers. I would highly suggest studying it if you are looking for how to approach children or students with the teachings.

Only impersonal life and the Being can give us the legitimate happiness of the Great Life free in its motion. -Samael Aun Weor

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