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  Sunday, 17 March 2024
  2 Replies
  338 Visits
Greetings instructors. This is a question that has been bugging me for a while now. I don't like to promote any conspiracy theories, but many intelligent people claim that sodium fluoride, which is the active ingredient in most toothpastes, deteriorates your pineal gland. If this is true, is the amount that is used to brush one's teeth on a daily basis enough to cause any damage? Some of these people claim that the government or the CIA knows about this and that since the end of World War II they have been intentionally putting sodium fluoride in public tap water based on the pretext that it helps prevent tooth decay among the population. But it's easy to see why anyone would be skeptical of the government or CIA's intentions based on all of its corruption and who they serve. The people who make the claim that sodium fluoride is bad say that it is put into our water and in toothpaste to make the population spiritually inept, passive consumers, who lose the ability to think for themselves. These people also say that there are studies that show that when people drank fluoridated water, it reduced their IQ. What is you instructors's take on all of this? Should we gnostic students take this seriously and avoid these toothpastes that contain it, or is it just some fear-mongering thing that isn't factual? Thanks for letting me post this.
1 month ago
Accepted Answer
You might find this thread helpful:

A hundred years ago doctors used to prescribe cocaine against common headaches. From today's standpoint we know how harmful that is, but apparently it was the karma of that period for people to be treated like that. In the same manner, it seems that we have the kind of karma where we need to deal with fluoride. Will we protest against our karma?

Of course this does not mean to be entirely passive. If you can avoid to have fluoride in your tooth paste and water, and if you notice a positive effect in that, you have your answer. We might not be able to conduct mass research, but we are able to find out how much our body, mind and consciousness can take.
1 month ago
Accepted Answer
You might find this thread helpful:

A hundred years ago doctors used to prescribe cocaine against common headaches. From today's standpoint we know how harmful that is, but apparently it was the karma of that period for people to be treated like that. In the same manner, it seems that we have the kind of karma where we need to deal with fluoride. Will we protest against our karma?

Of course this does not mean to be entirely passive. If you can avoid to have fluoride in your tooth paste and water, and if you notice a positive effect in that, you have your answer. We might not be able to conduct mass research, but we are able to find out how much our body, mind and consciousness can take.
1 month ago
Thank you very much.
Almustafa selected the reply #30718 as the answer for this post — 1 month ago
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