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  Thursday, 26 October 2023
  1 Replies
  645 Visits
I am reading The Aquarian Message (specific chapter: The Church of Laodicea), and I came across a passage where Master Samael said: "Tell your sacred visions to no one. Remember that Jezebel who called herself a prophetess enjoys when she tells people of her visions.

You who throw your crown at the feet of the Lamb must learn to be quiet. Never speak of the initiations of the beloved. The initiations are very sacred."

Can this be applied to day-to-day creative thinking? For example, i am an artist by trade, so my profession is putting a vision onto a canvas.

Does this mean the profession ive chosen might be strengthening my ego?

I've noticed that the more i practice chastity/meditation, my imagination is becoming much more lucid, and it is becoming easier to translate my raw ideas onto a canvas.

But it also could be applicable to non-artistic endeavors. For example, if there is a personal crisis in my family, and i receive a vision in meditation of how i can solve it, would that fall into the category of "sharing a sacred vision"?

My apologies if my question is a bit neurotic, I just want to make sure i'm following correctly.

~Thank you, for all that you do for humanity
Accepted Answer

In the same reference you provided it also states:

... It is urgent that you arrive to the annihilation of your “I.” Never say how many initiations you have or someone else has because your “I” never receives initiations. The initiations are very sacred. Only the Innermost is the unique one who receives initiations, degrees, and feasts. The initiations are for the Innermost.

Ask yourself, what are the intentions of these visions? Is it for self-realization or to support the profession? Is it possible to have the vision influence your work without divulging that it is sacred? Great discoveries, illuminations, and works of art have come from dreams and visions, but whether these were sacred and initiatory is really up to the discernment of the individual and is between the individual and the innermost being.

Also, when seeking to help others and have received a solution through meditation, we must be careful that a well-intentioned intervention is in accordance with cosmic law and does not conflict with the free will of the one we seek to help. In this case, a simple prayer to respect the person’s free will in accordance with cosmic law may provide the necessary solution to whatever the problem may be.
Accepted Answer

In the same reference you provided it also states:

... It is urgent that you arrive to the annihilation of your “I.” Never say how many initiations you have or someone else has because your “I” never receives initiations. The initiations are very sacred. Only the Innermost is the unique one who receives initiations, degrees, and feasts. The initiations are for the Innermost.

Ask yourself, what are the intentions of these visions? Is it for self-realization or to support the profession? Is it possible to have the vision influence your work without divulging that it is sacred? Great discoveries, illuminations, and works of art have come from dreams and visions, but whether these were sacred and initiatory is really up to the discernment of the individual and is between the individual and the innermost being.

Also, when seeking to help others and have received a solution through meditation, we must be careful that a well-intentioned intervention is in accordance with cosmic law and does not conflict with the free will of the one we seek to help. In this case, a simple prayer to respect the person’s free will in accordance with cosmic law may provide the necessary solution to whatever the problem may be.
Almustafa selected the reply #29878 as the answer for this post — 7 months ago
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