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The Twelfth Labor of Heracles

Certainly, the twelfth labor of Heracles, the solar hero, was imposed by his brother, in other words, by his resplendent “divine prototype” within the sacred Absolute Sun... Indubitably, that work consisted of withdrawing the tricipite dog Cerberus from the plutonic dominions that it guarded...

Having entered into the subterranean abode of the dead, Heracles tried first to propitiate the very Aidoneo (Hades) himself, who then permitted him to seize the dog on the condition that he had to achieve the capturing of it without any weapon. He achieved it by firstly grasping the dog by its dragon tail then after by its neck, until almost choking it.

Heracles was guided by Hermes on his return. Then after, when Cerberus was shown in Mycenae, he released the dog in order for the dog to return to its residence...

Unquestionably, our resplendent solar system of Ors has twelve planets, which reminds us of the twelve saviors... Obviously, it is evident that the final labor of Heracles has to always be performed in the twelfth planet of the solar family...

We can and must relate the last of his zodiacal achievements with Scorpio, whose constellation is the most appropriate for representing the task of seizing the three-headed dog Cerberus from the zealous subterranean world (the kingdom of shadows, where the truth disguises itself with darkness)...

Naturally, Heracles can only achieve this task with the consent of Hades or Pluto and with the simultaneous help of Hermes and Minerva...(Sex Yoga and wisdom).

I, with infinite veneration, passed through the threshold of the temple. I was longing for the final liberation...

The spermatic waters within the sacred pool were gloriously resplendent inside the fortress-walls of the priests’ patio...

The representant initiatic lake of the ancient mysteries, eternal scenario of any temple, could never be missing from there...

Unquestionably, what I then asked within this Lemurian sancta was granted unto me... My labor was initiated with the descent into the Tartarus of that twelfth planet of our solar system...

Three delectable females, dangerously beautiful, appealed in vain with their irresistible enchantments...

These provocative female devils tried the impossible in order to make me fall, but I knew how to dominate myself...

The zodiacal sign of Scorpio untied all of its ardent passion in my creative organs. However, I won all the battles against myself...

“The guide dog” (the sexual instinct) always conduces the knight along the narrow path that leads from darkness to light, from death to immortality...

The dog pulls the leash of his lord in order to take him through the steep path until the end. Posteriorly, the dog has to rest; then, the “great renunciation” comes.

The ineludible, supreme detachment from all material things and the radical elimination of the desire for existance is in harmonious rhythmic concordance with this cosmic-sexual event...

The transcendental idea of the breath of darkness moving itself upon the sleeping waters of life, that is to say, the primeval matter with the latent Spirit within it, invites us to reflect...

“The water” (the ens seminis) executes the same important play in all cosmogonies. It is the base and origin of the material existence, and the foundation of all authentic “Realizations of the Innermost Self.”

Nonetheless, it is urgent, undeferable, and unpostponable to never ignore that within the primeval abyss, within the depth of the waters, many dangerous beasts abide...

If the divine Titans of the old continent “Mu,” those angels who fell into animal generation, had not have forgotten this tremendous truth, if they had kept themselves alert and vigilant as watchmen in an epoch of war, they would still be in a paradisiacal state...

To completely seize the tricipite dog without any weapon factually signifies absolute control of sexuality...

When I seized that dog, I victoriously ascended from the depth of the horrifying precipice...

Then, the Being of my Being incarnated within me. The Being of my Being is the one who is beyond “Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva...” This Being is the divine, solar Absolute Prototype.

I joyfully entered inside a small sanctuary of the sacred Absolute Sun when this mystic event came to pass...

Since that extraordinary instant, I could feed myself with the fruits of the “Tree of Life” beyond good and evil...

I had returned to the original point of departure. Unquestionably, I had came back into my dwelling...

Each one of us has in this radiant sphere of light and happiness his own Divine Prototype...

The sacred individuals who inhabited the central sun prepare themselves in order to enter into the “Abstract Absolute Space.” This is always happening at the end of the mahamanvantara (cosmic day).

Each universe of the infinite space possesses its own central sun, and the addition of such spiritual suns constitutes the “Protocosmos.”

The emanation of our “omni-merciful and sacred Solar Absolute” is that which H. P. Blavatsky denominates “the Great Breath which is profoundly unknown to itself...”

Obviously, this active and omnipresent principle, even when participating in the creation of the worlds, does not fuse itself within them. This principle remains independent, omni-present, and omni-penetrating...

It becomes easy to comprehend that the emanation of the “Solar Absolute” unfolds itself into the “three primary forces”—Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva—with the evident purpose of creating and creating anew...

When any cosmic manifestation concludes, then the three original forces are integrated in order to mix or fuse themselves with the incessant Breath profoundly unknown to itself...

That which happens in the macrocosm is repeated in the microcosmic man (human being). Such was so in my particular case...

Thus, this is how I could return into the bosom of the sacred Solar Absolute. However, I continued living for million of years with the Lemurian physical body... I converted myself into another stone of “the Guardian Wall.”

This wall is formed by the masters of compassion, those masters who renounce all happiness for the love of humanity...

Inverencial peace,

Samael Aun Weor