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Conversing in Mexico

The Third Mountain: The Mountain of the Ascension

Monday, June 12th of the year 1972 (the 10th year of Aquarius):

“Well, ‘Joaco’ (familiar diminutive of Joaquin), today we are going to the center of the city...”

“What for, master? We already picked up the mail that was at the post office on Saturday. What could be there now?”

“I need to go downtown anyway. I have a cheque with me and I have to cash it. It is not a lot of money, but it will suffice me for eating. This way I will avoid spending the little money that I have collected for my rent... Moreover, I must put many letters in the mail. I like to have my correspondence up to date...”

Moments after, Joaquin Amortegui B., an international Gnostic missionary and great paladin of this tremendous crusade for the new age of Aquarius, and my insignificant person whose value is less than the ashes of a cigarette, directed ourselves towards the center of the city of Mexico...

It is not irrelevant to say, yet without much pomposity, that I like to drive my own vehicle. Thus, we were then very happily coasting in this “chariot” along the “paved road of Tlalpan,” towards the Plaza of the Constitution (El Zocalo, as we the Mexican people say).

“This is the ‘age of the automobile,’ my dear ‘Joaco.’ However, I frankly and plainly have to confess to you that if I could choose to live either in a world with the technology of this one, or in one of the stone age (but completely spiritual, of course), I would unquestionably prefer the second one, even though instead of an automobile I would have to travel by foot or by donkey...”

“Oh! I also say likewise... I travel now for sacrifice, for the love of humanity, in order to teach the doctrine, but I would prefer to travel on donkeys and horses as in ancient times. I do not like the smog of these great cities, neither this mechanical life...”

Thus, while conversing, ‘Joaco’ and I, along that paved road which was rather a river of steel and cement, arrived at the Zocalo. We then turned and circled around it, passed beside the Metropolitan Cathedral, and entered onto Fifth of May Avenue looking for parking...

Moments later, we entered a great building...

“Do you want your car to be washed?”

“No! No! No! This is a time of much rain. What would I want that for?”

“Do you want your car to be waxed, sir?”

“No, boy, no. Let me take it first to a body-shop and paint it!...”

Conclusion: after having parked the car, we left the building and walked towards the post office.

While in the central post office, I had the pleasant surprise of receiving a copy of the sixth edition of The Perfect Matrimony. This book was sent from Cucuta, Colombia, South America, by the international Gnostic missionary Efrain Villegas Quintero...

I also received some letters, and I put in the mail the letters that I brought from home. Afterwards, we walked towards a money exchange company...

The money exchange teller, with his consciousness profoundly asleep, was abundantly busy in his labor.

I saw this teller with two microphones, one to his dexterous side and the other to his sinister side. Clearly, he was simultaneously attending to two telephones, and he even had the luxury of conversing at intervals with another client who was at the counter of this business...

Obviously, this poor intellectual humanoid of a subjective psyche was not only identified with everything, moreover he was tremendously fascinated... and sleeping a great deal.

This rational homunculi was talking about value, current prices, money, gold, enormous additions, cheques, wealth, etc., etc., etc...

Fortunately, it was not necessary to wait for a long time, his secretary diligently attended me...

Some instants after, we walked out of that place with some money in my pocket. It was not too much, but enough for a few more days of food...

So, walking again on the famous Fifth of May Avenue, I felt the necessity of inviting “Joaco” to drink a small refreshment.

“Joaco” is a person who eats scantily, but for my own sake he did not decline the invitation.

Indubitably, we found a beautiful place — I am referring to Café Paris.

An elegant waitress approached us, “What are you going to have, sirs?”

“Miss,” I said, “bring me a strawberry shake and a piece of cheesecake...”

“I only want a papaya shake,” said ‘Joaco.’

Having heard the words of us gentlemen, the lady withdrew, to re-appear moments after with the mentioned dishes...

While very slowly tasting this delicious refreshment and extracting from these foods their spiritual element, “Joaco” and I established the following dialogue:

“I tell you, ‘Joaco’ that I am approaching the end of my book entitled The Three Mountains. Certainly, I am lacking only an introduction for the Third Mountain, three chapters from the ascension, and the conclusion...”

“Then you are already finalizing that work.”

“Yes, Joaco, yes, yes!... What is interesting about all of this is that now I have to appeal to Lemuria...”

“What? To Lemuria? Why?”

“It is clear that in this reincarnation I have only reached the summit of the Second Mountain... Nonetheless, I passed through ‘the Three Mountains’ on that archaic continent ‘Mu’ or Lemuria, which in foregone times was situated in the vast Pacific Ocean... Then, unquestionably, I achieved liberation, but I renounced all happiness and remained in this valley of tears in order to help humanity... It is clear that the possession of the ‘Elixir of Longevity’ granted me the conservation of that Lemurian body for millions of years...

“Therefore, my dear ‘Joaco,’ I tell you that I was an eyewitness to all of those volcanic catastrophes which ended the continent ‘Mu.’

“It is evident that through more than ten thousand years of incessant earthquakes and seaquakes, that ancient land was submerging itself within the boisterous waters of the Pacific Ocean...

“The fact is that while the continent ‘Mu’ was slowly submerging within the rough waves of the boisterous ocean, the Atlantean continent, that Atlantis of Plato, was gradually emerging from within the profound waters of the ocean...

“Unquestionably, I also lived with my Lemurian body in ‘the country with the hills of clay.’ I knew its powerful civilizations, much superior to this present civilization. I also saw Atlantis submerging within the furious waves of the ocean that carries its name...”

“In the year 6 of Kan, the 11 Muluc, in the Month Zrc, terrible earthquakes occurred which continued without interruption until the 13 Chuen. The country of ‘the hills of clay,’ the Atlantean land, was sacrificed. This land disappeared after two commotions during the night, after being constantly shaken by the subterranean fires, which made the land sink and re-appear various times and in diverse places. Finally the surface gave in and ten countries had split and disappeared. 64 million of its inhabitants sank 8,000 years before this book was written.”

“This is textually quoted from a Mayan manuscript. This is part of the famous collection of Le Plongeon, the manuscripts of Troano. This manuscript can be seen in the British Museum.

“Before the falling of the star ‘Baal’ on the place where only sea and sky now exist, before the seven cities with their doors of gold and transparent temples were shaken, trembling like the leaves of a tree moved by a storm, I departed from there, towards the central plateau of Asia, into that place where Tibet is located today...

“The Atlantean survivors were mixed with the Nordics in that zone of the Earth. Thus, this is how the first subrace of our present Aryan Race was formed...

“The Savior-guide of the elected Atlanteans, the one who took them out of the country of ‘the hills of clay,’ was the Biblical Noah, the Manu Vaivasvatha, the founder of the Aryan Race...

“I still remember, far away in time and space, those cosmic festivities which were celebrated then in our monastery...

“I am emphatically referring to the ‘Sacred Order of Tibet,’ an old esoteric institution...

“It is indubitable that this ancient order has two-hundred-and-one (201) members. The major rank is formed by seventy-two (72) Brahmans...

“Unquestionably, such a meritorious mystical organization conserves the treasure of Aryabarta Ashram...

“In those times, I was always welcomed in that place with much veneration. While living in a completely Aryan world, I was exotic with that Lemurian body...

“Unfortunately, ‘the Devil puts his tail everywhere,’ and disgracefully, something unusual happened...

“I returned into my ancient adventures. I committed again the same crime—I fell in love with the seductress Eve of Hebraic mythology, and once again swallowed the ‘forbidden fruit.’

“Results: the great law took away that a precious vehicle from me, and I remained, from life to life, as a wandering Jew upon the face of the Earth...”

“Now, really, oh master! I feel smaller than an ant; as usual, I do not comprehend. If you dissolved the ego, the myself, then who was the tempter? In which way did you fall?...”

“Oh Joaco... In the name of truth I want you to know that when the “I” is dissolved, the mind remains instead... Indubitably, this was the ‘cause causorum’ of my fall...”

“This is something unusual. I do not understand...”

“Passional matters—I fell in love. I committed the same error as the Count Zanoni, that is all...

“Such a maiden of mysterious enchantments was forbidden for me. However, I have to say that I fell, surrendering at the feet of this delectable female...

“Posteriorly, my Divine Mother Kundalini took me into the interior of a cavern, in the profundity of the mountain. Then I saw rain (tears), torrents of turbid water (bitterness), and mud (misery), etc., etc., etc...

“‘Behold, the future which awaits for you!’ my Mother exclaimed. My supplications were useless; I was not worthy of forgiveness. Again, I was committing the same crime. Finally, I saw her enclosing herself inside the Muladhara chakra, in the coccygeal bone. Then, woe to me! Woe! Woe!...

“I committed the very same error which on the archaic continent ‘Mu’ originated the angelical downfall...

“It is unquestionable that before entering into the Lemurian mysteries I had already committed the same crime...

“The allegory of the Biblical Adam, which is considered separated from the ‘Tree of Life,’ clearly signifies that the Lemurian race (who were already separated into opposite sexes) abused sexuality and sank into the region of animality and bestiality...

“The Zohar teaches that Matronithah (Shekinah, symbolically the wife of Metatron) is the path towards the great Tree of Life, the powerful tree. Shekinah is the divine grace.

“There is no doubt that this marvellous tree reaches the celestial valley and is found hidden within the Three Mountains.

“This tree ascends towards the heights of these ‘Three Mountains.’ Afterwards, it descends again towards the bottom.

“The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil grows from the roots of the Tree of Life.

“The Dhyani Bodhisattvas who were reincarnated in Lemurian bodies reproduced themselves by means of the power of Kriya-shakti (the power of yoga and will).

“The attributes of Shiva are: the black lingam inserted into the yoni.

“Unquestionably, the arch-hierophant and arch-magi never spills the cup of Hermes.

“When the Dhyanis—among them I, myself, am one—committed the crime of spilling that flexible, malleable liquid glass of alchemy, then they withdrew from their divine Monad (they killed the God Mercury), they fell into animal generation...”

“I am astonished.”

“Why, Joaco? Was I perhaps the first one who fell or the last one?

“H. P. Blavatsky states in her Secret Doctrine that Samael was the first one who fell, but this is symbolic...

“It is clear that I am the Dhyani Bodhisattva of the fifth of the seven. Therefore, for that cause it is stated that Samael was the first one who fell...

“Fortunately, I am already standing, in spite of having committed the very same crime again...

“How different was the case of many other Dhyanis who fell into animal generation...

“Let us remember Moloch, the great homicidal; now he is frightfully devoluting in the infernal worlds...

“Let us remember Andrameleck and his brother Asmodeus. These are two Thrones thrown headlong into the Averno...”

“I believed that after the liberation, any downfall would be impossible...”

“You are mistaken, my dear ‘Joaco.’ The danger of falling is always present in the cosmos...

“Any danger of falling disappears only when entering into the unmanifested ‘Sat,’ the Abstract, Absolute Space.”

When concluding our conversation at the table, we called the lady who humbly attended the table of the gentlemen...

“Miss, the bill?...”

“Yes, sirs... it is...”

“Here it is... and also your tip...”

We left very quietly from this sumptuous place and headed towards the “chariot...”

Wandering again under the sunlight on that famous Fifth of May Avenue, I had the impulse of saying: “What is troublesome after the fall, oh ‘Joaco,’ is the abominable resurrection of the ‘animal ego.’

“Unquestionably, the ‘myself’ resurrects like the phoenix bird from within its own ashes...

“Now, profoundly and in an integral way, you will comprehend the intrinsic reason why in all religious theogonies, the idea of fallen angels converted into demons is emphasized...”

“Ah! Yes!...This is very clear...”

Moments after, we were rapidly coasting on the ‘paved road of Tlalpan,’ returning home... “Since I had risen, had descended, and have returned to rise again, it is obvious that I possess vast experience in these questions of an esoteric type...”

“Oh, master! You have very special experiences in these matters...”

Certainly, beloved reader, I am nothing but a miserable slug from the mud of the earth, a nobody who has no value. However, since I have travelled the path, I can describe it with complete clarity, and this is not a crime...

We conclude this present chapter with the phrase of Goethe:

“Every theory is grey, and only the tree of the golden fruits of life is green.”