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The Heaven of the Sun

The next labor of Heracles, the solar hero, is certainly the extraordinary cleaning of the famous stables of Augeas, King of Elis, whose daughter knew of the virtues of plants and made magical beverages with them.

The filth of various generations had accumulated within those mentioned stables (living symbolic representation of our own submerged, subconsciousness depths), which were accommodating its innumerable cattle (those multiple, bestial psychic aggregates, which constitute the ego) that had among them twelve guileless bulls, which allegorize the zodiacal karma.

Unquestionably, Heracles should clean those stables in only one day. Ancient traditions which are lost in the night of the centuries say that he achieved it by making a hole in the wall, then deviating the course of the river in order to inundate the stables with its waters.

This unusual labor can for that reason be identified with Aquarius, zodiacal house of Uranus, Ur-anas, the fire and the primordial waters, which clearly symbolize the sexual current in the human organism.

Uranus, as the first divine king of ancient Atlantis, is the regent of our sexual glands.

Uranus, the Asura-maya, is truly the first revelator of the mysteries of life and death.

Certainly, Ur-anas is the fire and the primeval water, the one who intrinsically determines the first luni-solar worship of the androgenous IO... (iiiiiiooooooo)

IO Pitar is the Sun.

Menes or Mani is the Moon.

“Om Mani Padme Hum,” a mantra of immense esoteric power, has its equivalence in the sun and moon gods, who are upon the bosom of the sacred lotus that miraculously emerged from the spermatic waters of the first instant...

The legend of the centuries say that Uranus had forty-five children with diverse women, and that he also had with Titaea another eighteen children. The latter received the name of Titans because of their mother.

By separately adding these Kabbalistic quantities, we have the following results:

45: 4 + 5 = 9. The Hermit of the Tarot: “The Ninth Sphere,” sex.

Tarot 9

18: 1 + 8 = 9. The Eighteenth Arcanum is the Twilight of the Tarot. Within this Arcanum, the Ninth Arcanum occurs twice. This signifies secret, occult enemies: the subterranean struggle within the dominions of the “Ninth Sphere,” the tenebrous...

Tarot 18

Clearly, Uranus is the absolute king of the sexual functions, the lord of the new age of Aquarius.

Titaea was also placed among the numbers of the gods, since she surpassed all women in beauty and virtue. It has been said that her loyal devotees called her “Earth” [Gaia] in gratitude for having received many goods from her.

In the name of truth, frankly and plainly speaking, I have to confess that the fourth labor became tremendously easy for me. However, previous to it, I had to pass through a delicate ordeal.

I saw myself conversing with a noble lady in an old park of the city. She was someone who, without a doubt, was certainly a great friend.

We sat very close to each other on a bench, and felt a great love between us. For an instant we resembled two lovers, but...

Suddenly I remembered my Divine Mother Kundalini! Then, I deviated that current of love inwards and upwards, towards my adorable Mother...

In those moments I exclaimed with all the forces of my soul, “This love is for my Mother...”

Thus, this is how Heracles deviated a running river in order to inundate the “stables of Augeas” with its waters (whosoever has understanding let him understand, for there is wisdom therein).

Unquestionably, I was within the innermost mineral parts of the Sun, within the solar infernos...

How clean the submerged worlds of this star king looked unto me! They were infernos without suffering souls, without demons. What a marvel!...

It is clear that the demons could not dwell inside the living innermost parts of the resplendent Sun. They could never endure the potent vibrations of this star...

When I found myself enclosed inside one of these symbolic “stables of Augeas,” I found it completely clean and without animals of any species. Then, I comprehended...

I wanted to exit, but the door was hermetically closed. “Open sesame!” I screamed with all of my force.

Then, all of the doors were opened in that instant, as if by magic. Then, I penetrated into a second stable which I found as clean as the first one...

“Open sesame!” I exclaimed again, and when the doors were opened, I penetrated into a third stable. Clearly, this one was also clean and beautiful...

“Open sesame!” I exclaimed for a fourth time, and when the fourth door was opened, I passed through a threshold of a shiny solar mansion...

What I saw in the midst of the sanctuary was something unusual and unexpected. Oh gods! There, seated on their thrones, were Osiris, Isis, and Horus, who were awaiting me...

I advanced towards them and by prostrating myself, I worshipped them. I felt their benedictions within myself in those instants.

They are three aspects of my Being, but just derivative. Thus, this is how I comprehended it, and this deserves an explanation...

One of our Gnostic esoteric rituals textually says the following:

Osiris (the Arch-hierophant and Arch-magi, our particular individual Monad), powerful emperor, respond to the beseeching Son...

Isis (the enfoldment of Osiris, the mystical Duad, Devi Kundalini), very worthy Mother, respond to the beseeching Son...

Horus (the intimate Christ), respond to the beseeching pilgrim...

They welcomed me, and I then victoriously entered into the heaven of the Sun, into the abode of the Potencies, into the Buddhic or intuitional world. I then reconquered my place among these divine creatures. This was a glorious conscious state, which in a foregone time I had lost...