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Arcanum 7

The Seventh Arcanum represents magical power in all its strength. The Holy Seven is the sanctum regnum of magia sacra, of high esoteric magic of Kabbalah, the Chariot of War.

The number seven is the Innermost, our real Being, assisted by all of the elemental forces of nature. Nature is a great living organism. In the final synthesis, this great machine is directed by elemental forces.

From the physical point of view, the sacred fire is produced by combustion, although from the point of view as Essence, the elemental fire can exist in itself; this is the fire of the wise, and it is within this elemental fire where the salamanders live. The salamanders are described in Franz Hartmann’s book, The Elementals. Esotericists know that elementals and the elemental gods of fire exist. If we look at the angelology of the Mayans, Aztecs, etc., we will find the gods of fire there. The elemental fire of the wise exists in all of nature.

In its final synthesis, air is elemental. The Vayu tattva is the elemental principle of air; this is animated by the elemental creatures, or the sylphs of which the Kabbalists speak. In reality, this elemental air of the wise is ether in movement. Physicists state that the wind is air in movement. But occultists see that within this moving air exist forces that propel the air. These are the sylphs.

Water has an elemental principle. The Apas tattva is this elemental principle. We find the Undines, Nereides, and Nymphs within this principle, this base, this substance. Whosoever has studied the Latin or ancient classical works will find references to the elementals of water within these works.

The element earth is controlled by certain elemental creatures which are the Gnomes and Pygmies of Kabbalah who dwell within the elemental principle of the earth, the tattva Prithvi.

The fire is transformed into air, the air into water, and the water into earth. The tattvas help us to transmute the lead into gold through the Caduceus of Mercury.

Tattva Element

1. Akash Principle of Ether

2. Vayu Principle of Air

3. Tejas Principle of Fire

4. Prithvi Principle of Earth

5. Apas Principle of Water

The former written order is in accordance with Rama Prasad. The true order is:

1. Akash Principle of Ether

2. Tejas Principle of Fire

3. Vayu Principle of Air

4. Apas Principle of Water

5. Prithvi Principle of Earth

The first thing that exists within creation is the infinite space that is a Great Soul. Fire emerges from it and is transformed into air, the air into water, and the water into earth; thus the planets appear. This is the true order of the elements. The Innermost is the Divine Spirit. He is the chief of all of the elemental forces.

Every one who works with the Arcanum A.Z.F. receives the flaming sword. This sword corresponds to the Seventh Arcanum of the Kabbalah.

The guardians of the ancient temples of mysteries use the flaming sword. The one who has awakened the Kundalini receives this flaming sword. In occult Masonry the sword is utilized; it is received with the Advent of the Fire. From the point of view of occult Masonry, the flaming sword is the result of incessant transmutations.

The Elohim, or Prajapatis, carry the flaming sword. These Elohim are divine. An Elohim without the sword would be inconceivable. We know that the sexual organs constitute the legitimate sanctum laboratorium of the Third Logos. These are the organs that create the flaming sword.

In the depth of the matter, the twenty-two arcana belong to the Ninth Sphere. The anfiteatrum of the sapiencia eterna is in the creative organs because from here all life emerges.

In the alchemical garden of pleasures, we find the word VITRIOL, which is also found in treatises of Alchemy and ancient treatises of the Kabbalah. This word (Vitriol) is an acrostic, derived from the phrase “Visitam Interiore Terras Rectificatur Invenias Ocultum Lapidum” (Visit the interior of our earth, which by rectifying you will find the occult stone).

We must search within the interior of our philosophical earth (the human organism), which by rectifying and working with the Arcanum A.Z.F., the Maithuna, we will find the Philosophical Stone.

The Sun (phallus), masculine principle, is the father of the Stone. The Moon (uterus), feminine principle, is the mother of the Philosophical Stone. The wind (seminal steam) bears the sun in its womb, and the earth nourishes it. This is related with the four elements, which are living manifestations of the Akash.

The masculine and feminine principles, the Sun and the Moon, are combined within the chalice (the brain) which is supported by the Caduceus of Mercury with the two cords Ida and Pingala; these two influences, one of masculine character and the other of feminine character, act over the Brute Stone. We need to give this stone a perfect cubic form.

The human being has seven bodies. Each body has its spinal medulla and its sacred serpent. The seven bodies of the human being are:

1. physical body

2. vital body

3. astral body or body of desire

4. mental body

5. causal body or body of will

6. body of the consciousness

7. body of the innermost

We have seven serpents: two groups of three, with the sublime coronation of the seventh tongue of fire that unites us with the One, with the Law, with the Father.

The whole work is performed with the Great Arcanum. The star of seven points is the vital and inseparable part of the Vitriol, which is that work with the Maithuna. The seven serpents of Alchemy are related with the seven planets, the seven great cosmic realizations, and the seven degrees of the power of the fire. The acrostic Vitriol, with its seven letters and its seven words, symbolizes all of the Great Work and the Seven Secret Words pronounced by the Solar Logos on Golgotha. The mysteries of the Seventh Arcanum are terribly divine.

In the National Museum of Anthro-pology in the capitol of Mexico, there is an Aztec sculpture in the form of a decapitated man. Instead of a head, he has seven serpents that represent the seven degrees of the power of the fire. The seven vipers (his phallus) are related with the seven planets, the seven basic fundamental dimensions, the seven vowels I.E.O.U.A.M.S. that resound in Nature with the seven words of the Vitriol; all of this is related with the Law of Heptaparaparshinokh. This is the eternal Law of Seven, the ineffable cosmic law.

A powerful talisman and an esoteric Kabbalistic symbol is the star of seven points surrounded by a double circle and with the signs of the seven planets. The two circles represent the eternal masculine and feminine principles.

Those students of occultism who think they can attain realization of the Self without the Arcanum A.Z.F. are absolutely mistaken. Madame Blavatsky, after having written the six volumes of The Secret Doctrine, stated that those who want to know the mysteries of Chiram must search among the ancient alchemists. She was in Agarthi. She renounced Nirvana in order to achieve the Venustic Initiation. She is already a Twice-born because she possesses the solar bodies and lives in the sacred monasteries. She is going to return into this world which is more bitter than bile. She is preparing to take a physical body in the United States, in New York. The great Master Blavatsky was a true Yogini, a disciple of Kout Humi, although after becoming a widow of the Count Blavatsky she married Colonel Olcott in order to work with the arcanum of Sexual Magic. Only in this way did she achieve in-depth realization.

The great Yogi-Avatar Sri Lahiri Mahasaya was called to initiation by the immortal Babaji when he already had a spouse. Thus, this is how the Yogi-Avatar was Self-realized. In Hindustan, Sexual Magic is known by the Sanskrit term Oordhvarata.

Authentic Yogis practice Sexual Magic with their spouse. There are two types of Bramacharya (sexual abstinence): solar and lunar. The solar type is for those that have performed the Second Birth. The lunar type is that absurd sexual abstinence that serves only to produce filthy, nocturnal sexual pollutions with all of its fatal consequences.

There are seven vices that we must transmute:




Solar Pride


Faith, Humbleness

Lunar Avarice



Venusian Lust



Martian Anger



Mercurian Laziness



Saturnian Gluttony



Jupiterian Envy


Philanthropy, Happiness for Others

We can disintegrate our defects and dissolve the psychological “I” only by means of this science of transmutations. We can modify our errors, transmute the vile metals into pure gold and command only by means of the science of transmutations. Work with the Arcanum A.Z.F. so that you can receive the sword.

The Seventh Arcanum, “Triumph,” is achieved through many struggles and bitterness. This is seen in the seven capital sins that we must transmute into the seven virtues, the transmutation of the seven inferior metals into pure gold.

The governors of the seven planets are:

















The seven Kabbalistic signs of the planets are:

  • Moon: A globe divided by two half moons.
  • Mercury: A Caduceus and the cynocephalus.
  • Venus: A sexual lingam.
  • Sun: A serpent with the head of a lion.
  • Mars: A dragon biting a sword’s flyleaf.
  • Jupiter: A pentagram or an eagle’s beak.
  • Saturn: A limping elder or a rock entwined by a serpent.

The seven talismans have the power of attracting the seven planetary forces. Perfect talismans can be prepared with the proper stones and metals.


- The Pater Noster (Lord’s Prayer) is the most perfect prayer. Among the magical prayers is found the Lord’s Prayer with its seven esoteric petitions. One has to meditate on each petition. [See page 74].

- Whosoever wants to be a magician has to acquire the sword.

- The sword is the Kundalini. The sword is the fire of the Holy Spirit.

- It is necessary to work with the Arcanum A.Z.F. in order to acquire the sword. The struggle is terrible. The warrior can liberate himself from the four bodies of sin only by way of the Arcanum A.Z.F.

- We gain nothing by filling our head with theories.

- It is better to love a good spouse with whom one can practice Sexual Magic everyday, rather than wasting time with polemics, theories, and intellectualism.

- Thus we acquire the sword of the Kundalini and we awaken all of our magical powers in order to enter through the doors of the triumphant city.