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Group Karma

Groups act, and receive the effects of their actions. Every club, church, business, movement, political party, school, city, region, state, country, etc. is a producer and receiver of cause and effect. We see these groups receive the consequences of their actions, as some groups receive benefits, and others suffer. Groups pay in the form of earthquakes, epidemics, political enslavement, poverty, wars, etc. Observe how a natural disaster or war can obliterate one group while leaving another untouched. Diseases sweep through communities, leaving some unaffected, and others devastated.

In all of our previous lives, we have been countrymen, members of churches, armies, schools, militias, etc. The actions of those groups generated consequences that affect us, relative to our degree of participation.

Those who pay taxes bear responsibility for how the taxes are used. Naturally, the politicians and government employees who spend the tax money to pay for war and killing bear more responsibility, while those who do the killing acquire even more. This is a complex mixture of individual and group karma.

Individuals who owe group karma are freed from the debt only when the originator of the action has been destroyed. That is, the element in the psyche that caused the original action must be removed. The only way to accomplish this is through very deep comprehension and meditation.